Booster Club Meeting this Tuesday

July 25, 2020 Ken Smith 0

Our first DBDTBC Booster Meeting and Parent Meeting is Tuesday, July 28 at 7:00. Please use the Zoom information below to join this important meeting to kick off the school year and learn more about what’s to come for our kids! The agenda for the meeting is attached (more…)

2020 Virtual Band Celebration Video

May 22, 2020 Ken Smith 0

As promised, the link below is this year’s version of the DHS Viking Band Banquet/Celebration. The directors recorded this on a Friday afternoon during a HUGE thunderstorm.  You will hear some of this in the background, but that just makes this labor of love even more unique.  Band (more…)

New Banner Contest

May 1, 2020 Ken Smith 0

We are looking for one or more new banners for the website.  Please look through your pictures from this year and send any pictures you think would make a good banner (the picture at the top of this page) and email to  It doesn’t (more…)

Scholarship Information

April 2, 2020 Ken Smith 0

Seniors!  Congratulation on four years of band and dolls! This year the booster club is offering scholarships to 4 seniors in the band and dolls. Application: DHS Band Dance Booster Scholarship 2020 App In addition, there is the $501 Gupta Scholarship for a member of (more…)